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Creating A Backyard Your Kids Will Love As Much As You

Published Date: Mar 27, 2017

Spring has finally arrived, along with warmer temperatures and longer days. All of this is a perfect recipe for encouraging the kids to get outside and run around. There's no better place to do this than a spacious backyard. And with the right design elements, you can create a space that's truly magical.

Redesigning your backyard into a kid friendly hangout destination makes for a perfect spring or summer project. By adding some charm as well as some smart features to your backyard, kids will love playing around more, while parents admire the look and practicality of features like stone walls and paved walkways. Here are a few ideas to bring the excitement back into outdoor living:

Create a jungle gym at home instead of doubling as one yourself.

Artificial Turf

One practical design element that will help make any backyard a kid friendly zone is artificial turf. Not only is turf eco-friendly, but it's also allergen friendly. This way you know your little ones are playing on a safe, microbial surface that won't irritate eyes or skin- let alone, stain clothes. It's a win win all around. In addition to these obvious benefits, adding turf to your yard creates a distinct area for play time. This way you can keep the kids off your precious paver patio and out of your lovely garden. All you need is a "No Adults Allowed!" sign to really set the scene. Make this space the ultimate hang out by adding yard games like corn-hole or even a fully equipped jungle gym. This allows you to create an outdoor playroom of sorts while still being able to keep an eye on the kiddos thanks to the wall's low height.

girl on swing

Transform your backyard into an exciting destination for kids

Tree house

Ask any kid what their dream backyard would look like, and chances are they will mention a tree house. There aren't many backyard facets as revered as a great tree house, and they never fail to be the spot where countless childhood memories are made. Even building one could become a family's own memorable adventure. With some planning and DIY know-how, a handy parent or two can enlist the help of their kids in creating an incredible tree house all on their own.

  • Before the serious work gets started, The Family Handyman recommended taking some time to scope out the best location and materials. Tree houses need the support of a healthy, strong tree like maple, oak, fir, beech or hemlock. Any load-bearing branches should also be at least eight inches in diameter.

  • Trees still need room to grow, so plan on a roughly two-inch gap between the tree and the base of the tree house.

  • To keep kids as safe as possible, tree houses shouldn't sit any higher than eight feet from the ground. Don't hesitate to look for professional help and ensure the structure is as sturdy as possible.

Stone walkway

Yet another common backyard feature that's functional and visually appealing is the classic stone walkway. Using stone pavers, a walkway can be easily designed and installed exactly to any specification. To carry that kid-centric theme throughout your backyard, be sure the pathway leads somewhere that sparks the imagination - like a hidden garden nook. Pathways are known to create a sense of wonder and exploration among little ones. If you have a covered patio tucked away behind your perennials and lilac bushes, add shelves of children's books or board games for little ones to enjoy. Customizing stone walkways to fit any shape, size or color is also simple. That's not to mention the fact that a stone walkway will add a sense of charm to a backyard while making it easier to traverse a garden or patio area.

stone pathway

A stone walkway makes for the perfect big wheel or trike race track.

There's something about the allure of the backyard that's appealing to kids of all ages. With a functional design in mind, parents can be sure their kids will enjoy a perfect play area all year long.

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